and Natural Funeral Directors
Owned by the Vale family...Not only will we support you so you can create a special farewell, but we look after your loved ones too
Terms and Conditions
The following regulations are made to enable us to shape and preserve a natural area for the benefit of nature and for future generations of visitors. They are essential to combine respect for the dead with a suitable management and planting programme to create an area that is peaceful, pleasant and ecologically rich; a fitting memorial to those buried here.
We ask sincerely that all visitors treat the burial ground with care and respect so that it is a place for quiet, personal reflection.
These regulations apply to the cemetery known as Hay Meadow Burial Ground.
General Care and Behaviour
No smoking or vaping whilst on the premises of Hay Meadow Burial Ground which includes the carpark.
We ask for all funeral flowers to only be naturally arranged. We will not allow any oasis displays. If flower arrangements are not naturally displayed, they will not be allowed to be left on the grave.
No seed may be scattered on the burial ground unless approved by the proprietors. Many seeds sold commercially, such as wildflower or woodland mixtures, have inappropriate species or hybrids within them, or come from abroad.
The picking of flowers or the unauthorised planting of any flowers, shrubs or bulbs is prohibited as this could prevent the regeneration of a natural landscape. It could be also detrimental to our bees, sheep and all the creatures that share it. Many plants are poisonous to sheep and so all unauthorised planting will be removed. The construction or maintenance of flowerbeds is also not permitted, and no soil, peat or compost may be imported to the burial ground.
When visiting only loose cut natural flowers should be left on the graves. No plastic packaging should be left on site and bunches of flowers may not be tied to trees or guards. Any item left hanging on trees or anywhere in the grounds will be removed.
No naturally germinated seedlings apart from bramble, thistle, nettle, docks, and ragwort may be removed from plots. Visitors should take appropriate measures to prevent injury or poisoning from plants.
During the Christmas period, we ask that any wreathes and/or decorative items are made from only biodegradable materials. All wreaths will be removed by 5th January each year.
All visitors shall behave in a law abiding and appropriate manner.
NO consumption of alcohol unless we have granted permission. If any person enters the grounds under the influence of alcohol or substances, they will be asked to leave.
All vehicles must be parked in the car park but are left at the owner’s risk and strictly have no access to the burial grounds.
Visitors should keep to the mown pathways from early spring onward, until the hay crop has been taken.
Mobile phones should be turned to silent. No amplified music should be played except during funeral services.
Children must be supervised at all times. We cannot allow any child to be allowed to run freely or make excessive noise as it must be remembered that other grieving relatives may well be visiting too. Please do not allow your child to roam as there are hidden hazards - water features are on the which are deep and have slippery edges.
Dogs MUST be kept on leads at all times, including whilst in the car park as we are a working farm with sheep and poultry. We ask you to please always clean up after your dog when visiting. We ask that you to take any litter (including used doggy bags) with you as this is dangerous to our sheep and the wildlife that roam. During lambing time, dogs will not be allowed to enter the grounds - a sign will clearly be displayed. If any dog owner does not act in a responsible manner and their dog is injured, we will not be taking any responsibility. *Please note that sheep can be very protective to their young and that neighbouring farms will also not allow any stray dogs to roam.
Litter bins are not provided as we expect visitors to take their litter home. This particularly includes any flower wrappings.
No grazing animals are allowed unless introduced by the proprietors for conservation purposes.
No shooting or hunting is permitted.
The burial ground is to be kept as a working hay meadow, with the creation of Busnant Wood. Therefore, the erection of any monuments, markers, crosses, kerbs, fence, or railing will not be permitted. This was a condition when gaining our planning permission.
The placing of bird-boxes or seating will only be permitted after consultation with the proprietors and according to availability.
Vases sunk into the soil can drown small animals and will be removed.
Terms and Conditions Regarding The Funerals
Bodies intended for burial at Hay Meadow Burial Ground should not be embalmed. Embalming, sometimes called hygienic treatment, involves the injection of toxic chemicals which might leach into the surrounding soil. The process is not required by law or indeed necessary, as all good funeral directors will possess refrigeration facilities.
All coffins and their linings should be made from natural, biodegradable materials. These are to be sourced through a recommended Funeral Director or directly from Hay Meadow Burial Ground.
The proprietors will carry out the grave digging and filling.
No grave goods should be buried that might release toxins into the soil or be otherwise ecologically detrimental: examples are batteries, electronic devices containing mercury and pieces of plastic.
All burials do not confer any ownership of any ground or any other rights.
The exact location of each plot is at the proprietor’s discretion.
Once interred, no remains shall be removed without a licence from the Secretary of State under section 25 or the Burial Act 1857.
The proprietors reserve the right to amend or add to these conditions.
Cancellation and Refunds
If you wish to cancel your Exclusive Right of Burial, you must give us written notice within 28 days of the purchase date and where a Certificate has been issued, you must return the Right of Burial Certificate to us. Upon receiving the Certificate, if applicable, a refund will be issued, less an Administration Fee of £200 per plot. Refunds requested after 28 days of the purchase date may be made in exceptional circumstances at the sole discretion of the owners of Hay Meadow Burial Ground.
Following your death, your Representative cannot cancel the Exclusive Right of Burial. It is therefore important that you inform your relative/representatives of your wishes.
Exclusive Rights of Burial to specific plots cannot be sold or transferred.
Hay Meadow Burial Ground is to remain a traditional hay meadow, with the addition of Busnant Wood, giving great care and consideration to the wildlife that share it.
If you are unsure about anything, please feel free to contact us.